Sunday, April 12, 2015

Princess Diaries

"no one can make you feel inferior without your consent"-Eleanor Roosevelt
The Princess Diaries is a movie that teaches us a lot of valuable life lessons.

It taught us that you can overcome your fears.  It may take time and work but you can.  Mia couldn't even speak in front of her class at school, but she overcame her fear.  She needed to be able to do this because she has to speak in front of a lot of people.  Whether its press or the guests at a ball, she now cam tackle public speaking.

It also teaches us that we need to be careful with our words.  Although it may not seem offensive to you it can be to other people.  For instance Mia tells her grandmother to "shut up." This is harmless language to Americans but people who aren't used to our slang can misinterpret it as a bad thing.

Mia also showed us that we need to show our inner beauty.  It not only makes us feel more confident but our confidence then shows to others. This confidence gains us respect.

We learned the important lesson that some people just want to advance themselves and if that means through you, they don't care.  They will do whatever it takes.  If it means hurting or using you, it doesn't matter.  To them you are just a tool to their way to life.  These people need to be stopped.

We also get an important quote that I think everyone should know and live by.  When Mia is upset he tells Mia a quote originally said by Eleanor Roosevelt.  "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."


  1. Growing up the Princess Diaries was one of my all time favorites. Looking back at it now, I can see where you are getting at. I really liked this post.

  2. I really enjoyed this movie when I was a kid. I always wished that I had a long lost relative who would randomly show up and tell me I was a princess.
