Friday, April 17, 2015

Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement teaches us many lessons.

We learn about how even royalty has to follow the law.  So no one is above the law unless you are like Joe and have diplomatic immunity.  By seeing that Princess Mia is being held up to a the law when it comes to her being married before ruling, we see that even though she rules the country she has to abide by the laws.

 It also shows that sometimes people can think they are doing the right thing but they aren't.  This also kind of goes with the topic last week of people using you to get what they want.  Nicholas's uncle had him convinced that getting the throne was the right thing to do for various reasons.  But in reality Nicholas's uncle was using Nicholas for his own greed.

We learn that a small act of kindness can mean the world to someone.  Especially when it comes from a princess.  Mia stops the parade in order to confront two little boys who were picking a on a little girl.  She also showed compassion towards the children at the shelter, most of which were orphans.  Mia bought them all crowns and had them be "princesses and princes" for the day and walk in the parade with her.

We also learn that sometimes we can lose it and that things will work out if you do.  Even Mia has those moments.  It just so happened that she was in the spotlight more than us.  When she tells the queen, "sometimes I just lose it" we see the queen doesn't react well to it but in the end it worked out.

We also learn that we don't need a man at our side all the time.  Mia tried to do what she needed to for her country but she finally broke down and motioned for the law to be changed.  This would abolish the law that a queen needs a man by her side to rule.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Princess Diaries

"no one can make you feel inferior without your consent"-Eleanor Roosevelt
The Princess Diaries is a movie that teaches us a lot of valuable life lessons.

It taught us that you can overcome your fears.  It may take time and work but you can.  Mia couldn't even speak in front of her class at school, but she overcame her fear.  She needed to be able to do this because she has to speak in front of a lot of people.  Whether its press or the guests at a ball, she now cam tackle public speaking.

It also teaches us that we need to be careful with our words.  Although it may not seem offensive to you it can be to other people.  For instance Mia tells her grandmother to "shut up." This is harmless language to Americans but people who aren't used to our slang can misinterpret it as a bad thing.

Mia also showed us that we need to show our inner beauty.  It not only makes us feel more confident but our confidence then shows to others. This confidence gains us respect.

We learned the important lesson that some people just want to advance themselves and if that means through you, they don't care.  They will do whatever it takes.  If it means hurting or using you, it doesn't matter.  To them you are just a tool to their way to life.  These people need to be stopped.

We also get an important quote that I think everyone should know and live by.  When Mia is upset he tells Mia a quote originally said by Eleanor Roosevelt.  "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

Monday, April 6, 2015

Big Hero 6

Big Hero 6 is a little different from my usual posts, but when I watched the movie I knew that it would make a great post dealing with lessons learned from the movie.

This movie shows just how far knowledge can take you.  Whether you use it for good or bad is up to you as the movie demonstrates.  Just know that using knowledge for good can take you many places and can help advance you in your life.

Big Hero 6 also showed us that your friends are there for you no matter what.  They could help you in awesome car chases, through a death of a loved one or even to help you advance in what you believe in.  This doesn't mean that they won't set you straight if you thoughts aren't on track with what will help you.  Because they only want the best for you.

Also, we learned to not let anger get in the way of our judgement.  When this happens we don't always think rationally.  We jump to the thing that is the easiest for us to do or accept or we tend to try to blame someone for our anger.  In your mind they were the one who caused that.  But it doesn't matter because you need to forgive and move on that way your judgments aren't built on anger.

Finally Baymax taught us a lot about puberty and how we need to take the time for others.